Conscious connected breathwork is a transformative and healing practice!
Breathing. Something we do everyday. Each moment we breathe in, and then let the breath go. What if we could become more intentional about our breathing?
Practicing breathwork creates an opportunity for a deeper relationship with our breath and with our body. Breathwork amplifies the energy in our lives and in our bodies. There are many moments in life where we have held our breath – times when we have been hurt, shocked or scared. When we hold our breath, these events often become crystalized in our bodies. When we practice breathwork, we flood our bodies with healing life energy which has many names (prana, chi, life force), and we begin to open and dissolve those crystalized remnants of difficult previous experiences where we needed to shut down or control. This frees and moves energy, which allows access to a broader range of experience, can help to create more ease and flow in life, and can increase awareness and creativity.
There are many different techniques and approaches to consciously breathing. This practice is called “conscious connected breathwork.” For this practice the inhalation and exhalation occur through the mouth, with the intention to connect our inhalations and exhalations so there are no gaps and no pauses, and so the flow is smooth like the turning of a wheel. The Inhalation is moving from the bottom of the wheel to the top and then exhalation is the effortless descent back down to the bottom. Another way to look at it as if you have buckets of water. Inhalation is lifting the bucket of water and exhalation is dumping the water out of the bucket, like on a waterwheel.
The breath never gives us more than we can handle, so if you’re not ready to experience something, the breath won’t take you there. You’ll only receive and experience whatever is right for you at this moment.
The Flow of a Breathwork Session – Each breathwork session has 4 phases.
Introduction – At the beginning of the session we take a few minutes to get settled, get comfortable, and practice the breathing technique.
Pulling – The “Work” portion of the breathwork – This is 35-40 minutes of focused connected breathing through the mouth,which requires that we focus on connecting each breath with consistency and a smooth rhythm. No gaps and no pauses.
The Ride – After we have completed the Pulling portion, then we allow our breathing to return to normal and enjoy and explore the experience of being in the body that is alive and filled with energy. This usually lasts for 20-30 minutes
Wrap up – As the ride subsides, we will gently return and reconnect, check in and begin to integrate your experience. When you are ready, I will ask you to turn onto your left side before we return to sitting upright. This is a time for collecting insights, asking questions and sharing anything that feels important to share.
After completing a breathwork session, just know that the experience will continue to unwind in your system for several days, sometimes up to a week. You may have insights and awareness arise, so if there is any need for support, know that I will be available to connect with you afterward by text, email, or a short call. We can also schedule a longer integration call if that feels important.
This breathwork is incredibly transformative, if you would like to get more information feel free to reach out and if you would like to schedule a session, please see my online calendar.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information or you can book an appointment online for Breathwork.